Sample E-mail Activities
Long Distance Couples
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20 Activities that Long
Distance Couples can do from a Distance
Products and Books for Long Distance
1. This week surprise your partner by "doing some of the dishes". Obviously, it
is impractical to fly every night to where your partner is, but what you can do is buy paper plates, bowls, and
plastic utensils to send to your partner. This will lighten his or her load of dishes for the next little while. |
2. This week "take" your partner to the movie theater. Send your partner some
money and arrange a night when you both can go and see the same movie. Afterwards set up a time when you can call
and discuss what you both thought of the movie. |
3. This week, either by phone, letters or the Internet, plan with your partner a full day
of activities that you can do together when you next see him or her. This will not only give you something to talk
about with your partner but will also increase the anticipation of when you will be able to be together again. |
4. This week make a bookmark with you and your partner's picture on it. Buy two copies
of a book that you would like to read at the same time and send a copy of the book and bookmark to your partner.
I would recommend that you read Tuesday's With Morrie by Mitch Albom. It will give you quite a bit to talk about
in your letters and phone conversations. |
5. While I was at a conference, I attended a session on the importance of
having intentional rituals in your relationships. One older couple shared
their ritual of writing a love letter to each other every day. They have yet to miss a day and have accumulated
thousands and thousands of letters. So, if you are up to it, here is another idea that you can start on today. |
6. Make a tape of songs that remind you of your partner. Between each song record a short
message telling your partner why that song makes you think of him or her. This tape will become one of your partner's
treasured possessions. |
7. Have a candlelight dinner with your partner. You can do this from a distance by ordering
your partners favorite meal to be delivered to him or her. Order your favorite meal to be delivered to you at
the same time. Light the candles and call each while you enjoy your meals.
We would appreciate hearing how these activities have helped you. Please e-mail
us with your suggestions and/or comments